I’ve recently discovered that if I split the guitar into 3 sets of 2 string sets. I can cut and paste and repeat these patterns on each string set. Allowing me to cover three octaves at a time while only remembering a 4 or 5 note pattern. Very handy indeed. I’ve included many arpeggio patterns here for you to see how this all lays out on the fretboard.

The diagram below is G Major Triad arpeggio. This is a 1:2 pattern. 1 notes on one string, 2 on the next. Repeat for each string set.

G Major Triad Arpeggio

The diagram below is G Minor Triad arpeggio. This is a 1:2 pattern. 1 notes on one string, 2 on the next. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor Triad Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C Major 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C Major 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C Minor 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C Minor 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a A Major 6 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

A Major 6 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C Minor 7 b5 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C Minor 7 b5 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C7 b5 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C7 b5 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a C dim 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

C dim 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G dim arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Dim Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Dominant 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Dominant 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Minor 5 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor 5 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Major 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Major 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Major 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Major 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Major 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Major 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Minor 4 note arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor 4 Note Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Minor 7 b5 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor 7 b5 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Minor 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor 7 Arpeggio

The diagram below is a G Minor 7 arpeggio. This is 2 notes on per string. Repeat for each string set.

G Minor 7 Arpeggio

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