Tag: learn guitar
Portable Chords
When a chord can be moved up and down the neck, in these lessons, it is referred to as a Portable Chord. There are several major chord shapes that are
Power Chords
A power chord is just a 5th note interval, just the root note and a 5th note. Typically, played on the heaviest strings. A power chord is neither major nor
B Major Chord
B Major chord in the 1st position bar chord below. B – RootD# – 3rdF# – 5th When played on guitar the notes are in this order B, F#, B,
F Major Chord
F Major chord in the 1st position below. F – RootA – 3rdC – 5th When played on guitar the notes are in this order F, C, F, A, C,
A Major Chord
A Major chord in the 1st position below. A – RootC# – 3rdE – 5th When played on guitar the notes are in this order A, E, A, C#, E.