Tag: chords
Ultimate Guitar
Guitar tab library and morehttps://www.ultimate-guitar.com
Ultimate Chordpro Formatter
Convert songs into chordpro formathttps://ultimate.ftes.de/
Paul Davids
Paul Davids is handsome and a great resource for guitar infohttps://pauldavidsguitar.com/
Live Prompter 2
Free teleprompter program for chordpro fileshttps://www.liveprompter.com
Justin Guitar
Norm McDonald clone who has great lessons and resourceshttps://www.justinguitar.com/
Major Scales
The major scale is one of the fundamental scales in music and is a great place to start if you’re learning music theory. A major scale is a sequence of
Practice Routine
You should focus on building a practice routine. It is important that you: For now, focus on the things covered in this chapter. Practice holding your guitar properly. Practice comfortable
Notes in All Positions
One note in all positions on the fingerboard. Do each of the exercises below using all notes.
Reading Guitar Tab
Throughout these lessons there will be Guitar Tabs. Tab is short for Tablature. Like the one following: Guitar tab is the fingering of each note laid out in a visual