Tag: charts
Ultimate Guitar
Guitar tab library and morehttps://www.ultimate-guitar.com
Ultimate Chordpro Formatter
Convert songs into chordpro formathttps://ultimate.ftes.de/
Paul Davids
Paul Davids is handsome and a great resource for guitar infohttps://pauldavidsguitar.com/
Live Prompter 2
Free teleprompter program for chordpro fileshttps://www.liveprompter.com
Justin Guitar
Norm McDonald clone who has great lessons and resourceshttps://www.justinguitar.com/
Reading Chord Diagrams
Throughout these lessons there will be chord diagrams. Like the one following: This chord diagram represents a C chord. The vertical lines represent the strings. The line on the left
Holding a Pick
What style of pick you use is entirely up to you. Picks are made from many different materials and many different thicknesses. Some are smooth and some are textured. Thicker
Finger Pain
Your fingertips will hurt at first. The best way around this is to keep playing. No really, play every day for at least 20 minutes. Eventually, you will build calluses