I found a few things the other day that really helped me to remember rhythmic patters. It’s called the rhythmic food chart. Basically you come up with foods that are the same syllables as the notations.

rhythmic food chart

I did a google search and there were tons of different ones out there. If you just google rhythmic food chart you will see.

Pretty interesting. Hopefully, helpful.

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Finger Picking – Combination Pinch

All examples below are using a G chord. Use a metronome. Focus on thumb independence. These exercises focus on pinches with thumb, index and middle fingers. m i m i

A Minor Scale

The notes of the A Minor Scale are A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The Chords in the A Minor scale are: Minor Dim Major Minor Minor Major Major

Reading Guitar Tab

Throughout these lessons there will be Guitar Tabs. Tab is short for Tablature. Like the one following: Guitar tab is the fingering of each note laid out in a visual