When a chord can be moved up and down the neck, in these lessons, it is referred to as a Portable Chord. There are several major chord shapes that are portable and can be played anywhere on the neck.

Portable major chord with the root notes on the 6th, 4th and 1st strings below.

Portabe Major Chord

Please note the 1’s should be played as a bar. 

Portable major chord simplified with the root notes on the 4th and 1st strings below.

Portable Minor Chord

Please note the 1’s should be played as a bar.

Portable major chord with the root note on the 5th string below.

Portable Major Chord

Please note the 3’s should be played as a bar. 

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Basic Chords and Variations

Basic Chords and Variations Chart

F Major Scale

The notes of the F Major Scale are F, G, A, A#, C, D, E. The Chords in the F Major scale are: Major Minor Minor Major Major Minor Dim

Finger Picking – The Middle Pinch

All examples below are using a G chord. Use a metronome. Focus on thumb independence. These exercises focus on pinches with thumb and middle finger. I suggest you also try