These are all of the notes in the First Position.
These are all of the notes in the Second Position.
These are all of the notes in the Third Position.
These are all of the notes in the First Position.
These are all of the notes in the Second Position.
These are all of the notes in the Third Position.
The notes of the C Minor Pentatonic Scale are C, D#, F, G, and A#. C Minor Pentatonic Scale – All Across the Neck C Minor Pentatonic Scale – Pattern 1 C
The notes of the D Major Pentatonic Scale are D, E, F#, A, and B. D Major Pentatonic Scale – All Across the Neck D Major Pentatonic Scale – Pattern
All examples below are using a G chord. Use a metronome. Focus on thumb independence. These exercises focus on pinches with thumb, index and middle fingers. m i m i