F Major chord in the 1st position below.
F – Root
A – 3rd
C – 5th
When played on guitar the notes are in this order F, C, F, A, C, F. The F is the Root note. A is the 3rd note in the F major scale and the C is the 5th note in the F major scale.
We strum all 6 strings for the F chord. The F major chord can be played in many places on the guitar. In this example, we are talking about the F in 1st position. This F chord is not technically an open chord, this is a barre chord. Meaning the notes on the 1st fret are all played with the left-hand index finger.
This chord will most likely be the most difficult chord for you so far. Many new players struggle with barring all 6 strings. Don’t get discouraged, the F bar chord takes time to master.
Practice strumming the chord as well as picking the notes individually. Switch between the F, A, E, G, D and C major chords. Try and become smooth with your transitions.