A Major Chord
A Major chord in the 1st position below. A – RootC# – 3rdE – 5th When played on guitar the notes are in this order A, E, A, C#, E.
A Major chord in the 1st position below. A – RootC# – 3rdE – 5th When played on guitar the notes are in this order A, E, A, C#, E.
Guitar tab library and morehttps://www.ultimate-guitar.com
Convert songs into chordpro formathttps://ultimate.ftes.de/
Paul Davids is handsome and a great resource for guitar infohttps://pauldavidsguitar.com/
Free teleprompter program for chordpro fileshttps://www.liveprompter.com
Norm McDonald clone who has great lessons and resourceshttps://www.justinguitar.com/