Below is the chord diagram for the C Major chord in the 1st position. The 1st position is a location on the neck where you will play many common chords and notes without needing to move your hand much. 1st Position refers to the area on the neck where your hand stays close to the 1st four frets. Your index finger will typically play notes on the 1st fret, your middle finger on the 2nd fret, your ring finger on the 3rd fret, and your pinky on the 4th fret.

C – Root
E – 3rd
G – 5th

When played on guitar the notes are in this order C, E, G, C, E. The C is the Root note. E is the 3rd note in the C major scale and the G is the 5th note in the C major scale. Note order really doesn’t matter, as long as you have the root, 3rd and 5th. Sometimes even just the root and 3rd or root and 5th.

We only strum the top 5 strings, mute the other string. The C major chord can be played in many places on the guitar.

Practice strumming the chord as well as picking the notes individually. Practice fretting the chord. To do this, strum all open strings try and fret the C chord quickly and smoothly. It will most like be a struggle. Guitar is all about muscle memory, don’t get discouraged if it takes your fingers a while to form the C chord. It will take a while until it feels comfortable or natural.

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