E Major Scale

Play the E major scale up and down on one string.

E Major Scale

Play the E major scale up and down using 2 notes per string.

E Major Scale

Play the E major scale up and down playing 3 notes at once.

E Major Scale

Play the E major scale up and down 2 notes at once using string skipping.

E Major Scale

Play the E major scale and play 2 notes at once starting with outside strings, working your way in to the middle.

E Major Scale

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Finger Variations

This exercise will help you build dexterity in your fretting hand. Do each of these on every string. 1-2-3-41-2-4-31-3-2-41-3-4-21-4-2-31-4-3-2 2-3-4-12-4-3-12-4-1-32-1-3-42-3-1-42-1-4-3 3-4-1-23-1-2-43-2-4-13-4-2-13-1-4-23-2-1-4 4-1-2-34-3-1-24-1-3-24-2-1-34-2-3-14-3-2-1

Chromatic Exercises – Part 3

Chromatic exercises for your fingers in position 3. Down Each String Down Each String – String Skipping Up and Down Each String – String Skipping Up and Down Each String

A Minor Pentatonic Exercises – Part 3

Up by Groupings of 2 Up by Groupings of 3 Up by Groupings of 4 Up by Thirds Up Each String Vertical Triads Down Vertical Triads Up and Down Vertical